EEOB 563 Installation Guide

Unix & Git

Mac or Linux

MacOSX and various Linux distributions are UNIX based, so just search for “Terminal” (On MacOSX the Terminal application is located in Applications -> Utilities).


If you are using a Windows computer, you will need to set up a working command-line environment. There are several ways to do this.

Git Bash

Git Bash is an application for Microsoft Windows environments, which provides an emulation layer for a Git command line experience. Git Bash comes as part of the Git For Windows package. In addition to Git, Git Bash provides an emulator for the Unix Bash shell.

Windows 10 and later

If you are using Windows 10 or later, you can follow the steps [outlined here] ( to run a Unix-like command-line environment on your computer.

Phylogenetic software

We will be working on the ISU Classroom HPC Cluster, called HPC-Class. All phylogenetic software will be pre-installed on HPC-Class. If you want to install any program
on your computer, use the links provided.

Text Editors

It is recommended that you use an advanced text editor for this course and your research. Here are some options:

  • vim or emacs (Unix, Mac OS X)
  • Sublime Text (Unix, Mac OS X, Windows)
  • Atom (Unix, Mac OS X, Windows)
  • BBEdit (Mac OS X)


All course communication will be conducted via slack. You should have gotten an invitation to join the course slack team called Molecular Phylogenetics (if not, please let me know). Please be sure to check slack regularly for course updates. It is recommended that you download the Slack desktop app (, which makes it easier to stay on top of messages.

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