Evolutionary model

Option: --model STRING | FILE (mandatory)

Evolutionary model can be specified globally (i.e., for the whole alignment), or multiple models can be selected for different subsets of alignment columns (so called partitioned analysis).

Single model

Global per-alignment evolutionary model can be given as a string on the command line. Model specification always starts with a substitution matrix name, e.g., GTR for DNA data or LG for protein data. Several optional modifiers can be added, separated by + and in arbitrary order.

NOTE: all per-state values (e.g. base frequencies) must be given in the following order.

All substitution matrices and modifiers are summarized in the following table:

Modifier Possible values
Substitution matrix
DNA data: JC, K80, F81, HKY, TN93ef, TN93, K81, K81uf, TPM2, TPM2uf, TPM3, TPM3uf, TIM1, TIM1uf, TIM2, TIM2uf, TIM3, TIM3uf,TVMef, TVM, SYM, GTR
Protein data*: Blosum62, cpREV, Dayhoff, DCMut, DEN, FLU, HIVb,HIVw, JTT, JTT-DCMut, LG, mtART,mtMAM, mtREV, mtZOA, PMB, rtREV,stmtREV, VT, WAG, LG4M (implies +G4), LG4X (implies +R4), PROTGTR
Binary data (0/1): BIN
Morphological/multistate: MULTIx_MK, MULTIx_GTR (where x = number of states, e.g.: MULTI8_MK for a 8-state model with equal rates) state encoding
Unphased diploid genotypes (10 states): GTJC GTHKY4 GTGTR4 GTGTR
Fixed user-defined rates: e.g. HKY{1.0/2.5} or GTR{0.5/2.0/1.0/1.2/0.1/1.0} or PROTGTR{rates.txt}. The rates above define upper triangle of the substitution matrix, e.g. for GTR the order is A-C, A-G, A-T, C-G, C-T, G-T
Stationary frequencies +F or +FC (empirical)
+FO (ML estimate)
+FE (equal)
+FU{f1/f2/../fn} (user-defined: f1 f2 ... fn)
+FU{freqs.txt} (user-defined from file)
Proportion of
invariant sites
+I or +IO (ML estimate)
+IC (empirical)
+IU{p} (user-defined: p)
Among-site rate
heterogeneity model
+G (discrete GAMMA with 4 categories, mean category rates, ML estimate of alpha)
+GA (as above, but with median category rates)
+Gn (discrete GAMMA with n categories, ML estimate of alpha)
+Gn{a} (discrete GAMMA with n categories and user-defined alpha a)
+Rn (FreeRate with n categories, ML estimate of rates and weights)
+Rn{r1/r2/../rn}{w1/w2/../wn} (FreeRate with n categories, user-defined rates r1 r2 ... rn and weights w1 w2 ... wn)
Ascertainment bias
+ASC_LEWIS (Lewis’ method)
+ASC_FELS{w} (Felsenstein’s method with total number of invariable sites w)
+ASC_STAM{w1/w2/../wn} (Stamatakis’ method with per-state invariable site numbers w1 w2 ... wn)
character-to-state mapping
+M{statechars}{gapchars} e.g. MULTI6_GTR+M{ABCDEF}{X-?}
+Mi{statechars}{gapchars} same as above, but statechars are case-insensitive
+M{charmap.txt} mapping defined in charmap.txt file (see below)

* see libpll wiki for details & references

Multiple models

Multiple models can be defined in a RAxML-style partition file. Example:

JC+G, p1 = 1-100, 252-400
HKY+F, p2 = 101-180, 251
GTR+I, p3 = 181-250

Here, each line defines a partition and consist of three elements:

  • model specification (see above)
  • partition name
  • range of alignment columns

Branch length linkage

In case of partitioned analysis, three branch length estimation modes are available:

Command Meaning
--brlen linked Branch lengths are identical for all partitions
--brlen scaled (default) Joint branch length estimation with individual per-partition scalers (i.e., branch lengths are proportional)
--brlen unlinked Branch lengths are estimated independently for each partition (cf. RAxML -M option)

State encoding & order


|Data type| Order | |———|——-| |DNA | A C G T | |PROTEIN | A R N D C Q E G H I L K M F P S T W Y V | |MULTISTATE | 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , / : ; < = > @ [ \ ] ^ _ { \| } ~ | |GENOTYPE (diploid unphased) | A C G T M R W S Y K
(Meaning: A/A C/C G/G T/T A/C A/G A/T C/G C/T G/T) |

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